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The Gold Coast Table Tennis Association wishes to acknowledge the sad passing of Agnes Jean Herbertson on 7th February 2024 aged 94 years. Agnes was “The Matriarch” of the Club, who has given in excess of 50 years’ service to table tennis on the Gold Coast.

Agnes and her late husband Barry (Deceased 2010) were mainly responsible for holding the Gold Coast Table Tennis Club together in its many locations. Agnes became Treasurer in 1978 when the Club had a bank balance of $54. When she relinquished the role in 1992, the Club had $80,000 in savings. This enabled us to build stage 1 of the existing Gold Coast Table Tennis Centre. Agnes and Barry were among those who went guarantor on loans to get “the ball rolling”, so to speak. Agnes was largely responsible for the Club’s form and structure which is still evident today. This legacy is greatly appreciated by all who enjoy the Club’s facilities.

Amongst the many accolades, including Life Member of Gold Coast Table Tennis, Agnes was awarded Table Tennis Queensland Gold Volunteer Award in 2011 for 20yrs of service, and in 2022 Agnes was the recipient of the Table Tennis Australia 50 Year Service Award in recognition of her many years’ commitment to the game.

Agnes was a tireless volunteer who realised early that you get out of life what you put in. Life for Agnes was the service of others. We are all better people for having known Agnes Herbertson who led by example.

Agnes Jean Herbertson
12 September 1929 – 7 February 2024

Rest In Peace Dear Agnes




On the 12 September 2024, the Herbertson Family along with invited Members and guest were in attendance at the centre to commemorate what would have been Agnes' 95th Birthday.

To mark this special occasion a ceremony was held in the unveiling of the Agnes Memorial rock plaque and release of her ashes by daughter Jill and grandson Ethan into the garden bed, as per Agnes' wishes.
It was fitting that her ashes were scattered on this site, a place she loved and was loved by so many.

The Club would like thank the Members and guests in attendance on this memorable day and much appreciation to the efforts by those who created and worked on the garden feature and memorial rock monument. Thank you all!

In honour of Agnes and her long lasting legacy, please continue to support the Club through the

'AGNES FOUNDATION' with all proceeds going towards Club development.
See here for Foundation overview and how to donate.


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